Author/Editor     Pahor, Majda
Title     Moč za pomoč. Družbene okoliščine etičnega odločanja medicinskih sester
Translated title     Power to help. Social circumstances of nurses' ethical decision-making
Type     članek
Source     In: Klemenc D, Kvas A, Pahor M, et al, editors. Zdravstvena nega v luči etike. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 139-47
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of the article is to consider some of the social circumstances of ethical decisionmaking in nursing. The author looks at contemporary nursing as a result of rhe modernization proeess, which caused its move from the private world to the public place of health care instirutions and defined it as a subordinated occupational group within the formal health eare work. The late modernity, however, especially in the western societies, causes the shift towards the ideology of care-centred and holistic nursing. Also the research into the process of ethical decision-making using ahe health professionals' and patients' narratives develops into this direction to enable deeper understanding of the phenomenon. The existing research about the ethical considerations and resources for decision-making in Slovenia uncovers only some elements of these processes, which should be more thoroughly studied in order to improve the quality of care.
Descriptors     ETHICS, NURSING