Author/Editor     Šmitek, Jana
Title     Pomen človekovega dostojanstva v zdravstveni negi
Translated title     The meaning of human dignity in nursing care
Type     članek
Source     In: Klemenc D, Kvas A, Pahor M, et al, editors. Zdravstvena nega v luči etike. Ljubljana: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 301-20
Language     slo
Abstract     Human dignity is an abstract concept which needs to be clarified when expecting it's efficient use in nursing practice. Wide general explanation of the concept and its further meaning related to practical use in nursing care is presented in the article. The author conducted a qualitative research among Slovenian nurses and nursing technicians. On the basis of open end questions she discovered the extent of modes of patient's dignity respect and also the extent of undignified situations perceived in praeriee. An analysis of data presents a wide range of positive attitudes that preserve or promote patient's dignity as much as numerous practical experiences of counterevidence. The research has epistemological meaning.