Author/Editor     Ule, Mirjana
Title     Razvoj zdravstvenega sistema v pogojih globalizacije: in kaj je z zdravstveno nego
Translated title     Development of health care system in the conditions of globalization: and what about nursing
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 4
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 243-9
Language     slo
Abstract     One of the consequences of the globalization for the modern health system is that medicine is losing its role of the »supreme« ruler over the processes of healing. The medical profession has to accept a more equal collaboration with other healing professions among modern health system, especially with the nursing. Nursing is focusing on the »ethic of caring« and thus presents an important alternative to the technical relationship to the patients, which is prevailing in the modern medicine. However, this quality could find its expression on condition that the nursing overcomes its traditional »assistant« role in medical treatment, and it actively intervenes in the space and market of medical services. Sure, such an activity requires many changes, from some more equal relationships between physician and nurses, changed self-image of the nurses to some more partner-like relationships between nurses and patients or the seekers of the health services.
Summary     Ena od posledic globalizacije za sodobno zdravstvo je ta, da medicina izgublja svoj položaj »suverene« vladarice nad procesi zdravljenja. Sprejeti bo morala bolj enakopravno sodelovanje z drugimi zdravstvenimi profesijami znotraj zdravstva, predvsem z zdravstveno nego. Zdravstvena nega je osrediščena okrog etike skrbi in tako predstavlja pomembno alternativo k tehničnemu odnosu do bolnikov, ki prevladuje v sodobnem zdravstvu. Toda ta kvaliteta lahko pride do izraza le ob pogoju, da preseže tradicionalno pomožno vlogo v zdravljenju in dejavno poseže v prostor in trg zdravstvenih uslug. Takšno delovanje seveda zahteva številne spremembe, od bolj enakopravnih odnosov med zdravniki in medicinskimi sestrami, spremenjene samopodobe le teh do bolj partnerskih odnosov med njimi in pacienti oz. iskalci zdravstvenih uslug.
Descriptors     NURSING SERVICES