Avtor/Urednik | Lakkawar, A; Chattopadhyay, S; Somvanshi, R; Sikdar, A | |
Naslov | Experimental candidiasis in rabbits inoculated with a fowl isolate of Candida albicans - a clinical and pathological study | |
Prevedeni naslov | Eksperimentalno povzročena kandidiaza s ptičjim izolatom Candida albicans pri kuncih - klinična in patološka študija | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Slov Vet Res | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 40, št. 3-4 | |
Leto izdaje | 2003 | |
Obseg | str. 195-206 | |
Jezik | eng | |
Abstrakt | An experimentally-disseminated histo-invasive candidiasis was induced into a group of rabbits by intratracheal inoculations of an avian isolate of Candida albicans (1 x 10` yeast cells/ml) and observations were made and recorded for a period of 30 days. Clinically, pyrexia, dyspnoea, shivering, incoordination, dullness, ataxia and spastic paralysis along with a progressive decrease in body weight were observed in the infected rabbits. Grossly, congestion and haemorrhages were observed in all the visceral organs in the initial stages. Multiple small necrotic foci and greyish white nodular abscesses were seen in the lungs, heart, liver, gall bladder, stomach and kidneys on the 20th day post inoculation (DPI) as well as, though with greater severity, at the terminal stage of experiment. The spleen and lymph nodes showed marked vascular congestion throughout the course of infection. Histopathology revealed vascular congestion, haemorrhages and degenerative changes, along with heterophilic reactions, in various organs in the initial stages of infection. Multiple necrotic foci along with microabscesses and granulomatous reactions were seen in the heart, kidneys, liver and brain at the terminal stage of the experiment. Lesions in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, which were observed on the 20th day and were characterized by haemorrhages, degeneration and necrosis along with an inflammatory reaction, had almost subsided at the terminal stage. A higher percentage of Candida albicans was isolated from the heart and kidneys compared to the trachea, lungs, liver, spleen and brain. | |
Izvleček | V poskusu smo skupino kuncev okužili z diseminirano histoinvazivno kandidiazo. V sapnik smo vnesli 1x10 7 celic/ml ptičjega izolata Candida albicans in živali opazovali trideset dni. Okuženi kunci so imeli povišano temperaturo, oteženo dihanje, tresavico, bili so nekoordinirani in otožni, opazili pa smo tudi ataksijo, spastično paralizo in progresivno izgubo telesne mase. V začetnih stadijih samo opazili kopičenje krvi in krvavitve po vitalnih organih. Dvajset dni po inokulaciji (DPI) so se na pljučih, srcu, jetrih, žolčniku, želodcu in ledvicah pojavila številna majhna nekrotična žarišča in sivobeli vozličasti abscesi. Proti koncu poskusa so bile patolo{ke spremembe še izrazitejše. Ves čas okuženosti je bila izrazita vaskularna kongestija vranice in bezgavk. Histopatološka preiskava je pokazala vaskularno kongestijo, krvavitve, degenerativne spremembe in heterofilno reakcijo v številnih organih že v začetnem stadiju okužbe. Proti koncu poskusa smo z mikroskopsko preiskavo ugotovili še številna nekrotična žarišča, mikroabscese in granulomatozno reakcijo v srcu, ledvicah, jetrih in možganih. Poškodbe, ki smo jih dvajseti dan opazili na pljučih in v gastrointestinalnem traktu (krvavitve, degeneracija, nekroze), so do končnega stadija skoraj izginile. Iz srca in ledvic smo izolirali večje število kandid kot iz sapnika, pljuč, jeter, vranice in možganov. | |