Author/Editor     Uršič-Vrščaj, Marjetka
Title     Novosti pri hormonskem nadomestnem zdravljenju po raku dojk
Translated title     Hormone replacement after breast cancer: did the recommendations change in the last two years?
Type     članek
Source     In: Takač I, Arko D, editors. 30 let Centra za bolezni dojk v Mariboru. Zbornik predavanj Simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 maj 23; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 53-61
Language     slo
Abstract     Routine use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), either estrogen alone or estrogen plus progesterone, is not recommended for all women who have had breast cancer. In the last two years, four non-randomized trials were performed, reporting a consistent reduction in recurrence and death from breast cancer in breast-cancer survivors who used HRT. Nevertheless, randomized controlled trials are required to guide recommendations for this group of women. Women who have had breast cancer are at risk of recurrence and contralateral breast cancer. The potential effect of HRT on these outcomes in women with breast cancer has not been determined in methodologically sound studies. Given the demonstrated increased risk of breast cancer associated with HRT, an impact of similar magnitude could be expected in women with breast cancer. Postmenopausal women with a previous diagnosis of breast cancer who request HRT should be encouraged to consider alternatives to HRT. If menopausal symptoms are particularly troublesome and do not respond to alternative approches, a well-informed woman may choose to use HRT to control these symptoms after discussing the risks with her physician. In these circumstances, both the dose and the duration of treatment should be minimized.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS