Author/Editor     Červek, Jožica
Title     Sistemsko zdravljenje napredovalega raka dojk
Translated title     Systemic treatment of advanced breast cancer
Type     članek
Source     In: Takač I, Arko D, editors. 30 let Centra za bolezni dojk v Mariboru. Zbornik predavanj Simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 maj 23; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 97-107
Language     slo
Abstract     Despite major advancement and new potentials in the treatment of operable breast cancer, 40% to 60% of breast tumors develop metastases. In 5% to 10% of breast cancer patients, metastases are detected already at diagnosis. Breast tumors may metastasize into any organ; however, most frequently, these tumors metastasize into the soft tissue (the skin and lymph nodes), bones, liver, and lung. Though the central nervous system is considered as the foremost metastatic localization, breast tumor metastases rarely develop there, yet the incidence increases with the duration of metastatic disease. Metastatic breast cancer is a incurable disease. Once the metastases start to grow, the mean survival is approximately 3 years, and about 10% of patients with metastatic disease live on for 10 years. The survival depends upon the tumor biology, performance status, size and localization of metastases at the first metastatic spread, hormone receptors in the tumor tissue, and upon response to treatment. Metastatic breast cancer is treated by systemic therapy, frequently in combination with palliative radiotherapy and, in exceptional cases, also by surgery (metastasectomy). Systemic treatment includes chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and biotherapy. The principal treatment aims are to alleviate the symptoms caused by metastases (palliation), to maintain the quality of life and to prolong the survival with as little toxicity as possible. New cytotoxic, hormonal and biological drugs can considerably improve the treatment efficiency and thereby also prolong the survival of the patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS