Author/Editor     Škufca, Andreja Cirila
Title     Socialne predstave o raku
Translated title     Social representations about cancer
Type     članek
Source     Psihol Obz Ljubl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 12, št. 3
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 131-8
Language     slo
Abstract     In this article we arc presentingt he results of the comparison study on social representations and causal attributions about cancer. We compared a breast cancer survivors group and control group without own experience of cancer of their own. Although social representations about cancer differ in each group, they are closely related to the concept of suffering, dying and death. We found differences in causal attribution of cancer. In both groups we found a category of risky behavior, which attributes a responsibility for a disease to an individual. Besides these factors we found predominate stress and psychological influences in cancer survivors group. On the other hand control group indicated factors outside the ones control eg. heredity and environmental factors. Representations about a disease inside person's social space are important in co-shaping the individual process of coping with own disease. Since these representations are not always coherent with the knowledge of modem medicine their knowledge and appreciation in the course of treatment is of great value. We find the findingss of applied social psychology, important as starting points in the therapeutic work with patients.
Summary     V prispevku predstavljam rezultate primerjave socialnih predstav in kavzalne atribucije o raku med skupino žensk, ki so prebolele raka dojke, ter kontrolno skupino žensk brez lastne izkušnje raka. Socialne predstave o raku se med obema skupinama razlikujejo, so pa v obeh skupinah tesno povezane s predstavami o trpljenju, umiranju in smrti. Razlike smo našli tudi v kavzalni atribuciji raka. V obeh skupinah prevladuje kategorija dejavnikov rizičnega načina življenja, ki odgovornost za bolezen pripisuje posamezniku. Ob tem so pri bolnicah v ospredju stres in psihični vplivi, v kontrolni skupini pa dejavniki zunaj posameznikove kontrole - dednost in zunanji vplivi. Predstave o bolezni znotraj socialnega prostora pomembno sooblikujejo tudi posameznikov proces soočanja z lastno boleznijo. Ker predstave niso vedno skladne s spoznanjem sodobne medicine, je v obravnavi bolnikov koristno njihovo poznavanje in upoštevanje. Zato so spoznanja uporabne socialne psihologije pomembna tudi kot izhodišča pri terapevtskem delu z bolniki.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS