Avtor/Urednik     Lovšin, Marko
Naslov     Značenje broja biopsija periferne zone prostate vođenih transrektalnim ultrazvukom pri otkrivanju raka prostate
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Zagreb
Založnik     Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Medicinski fakultet
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 63
Jezik     cro
Abstrakt     Introduction. Reports from many world urological departments indicate that the rate of early prostate cancer detection is significant improved by using more than 6 prostate biopsy cores. The purpose of the study was to determine whether standard sextant core biopsy is sufficient for early detection of prostate cancer in patients with negative digital rectal examination (DRE) and intermediate rise in prostate specific antigen (PSA) (4.1-10,0 ng/ml), or rather an increased number of prostate biopsy cores proportional to the prostate volume (PV) should be used Patients and methods. Between 1997 and 2000, 140 patients from 49 to 75 years, with moderately elevated PSA levels and negative DRE were evaluated at Clinical Department of Urology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana. According to their PV, determined by transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), they were assigned to two groups: a group with PV < 40,0 ccm and a group with PV => 40,0 ccm. One half of the patients in each group were evaluated by standard sextant prostate biopsy and another half by 10-core biopsy scheme. Results. In the group with PV < 40,0 ccm, there was statistically significant difference in the prostate cancer detection rate between the patients undergoing conventional sextant biopsy and those diagnosed using 10 biopsy scheme (p=0,041). In the group with PV => 40,0 ccm, however, the difference between 6-core and 10-core biopsy schemes concerning the rate of prostate cancer detection was no statistically significant (p=1,000). Conclusion. The results of our study indicate that the rate of early prostate cancer detection in patients with negative DRE and moderately increased PSA is enhanced by increasing the number of biopsy cores in proportion to PV. Patients with PV < 40,0 ccm should be evaluated using 10 prostate biopsies cores. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).