Author/Editor     Pražnikar, A
Title     Standardizacija magnetnega draženja motorične možganske skorje
Translated title     Standardisation of transcranial magnetic motor cortex stimulation
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 30, št. 4
Publication year     1991
Volume     str. 483-95
Language     slo
Abstract     Transcranial magnetic motor cortex stimulation (MS) was standardised by measuring the central motor latency (CML) of the abductor digiti minimi (AM) and tibialis anterior (TA) in 18 healthy subjects. Normal CML values were 6.77 ms (S.D. 1 .66 ms) for AM, and 12.31 ms (S.D. 1 .69 ms) for TA. To minimise the variability of the amplitude, area and duration of muscular responses, their measurment should be evaluated at the MS intensity equal to the suprathreshold for maximal amplitude of responses. The purpose of this study was to determine in how many subjects it can be proved that with increasing MS intensity the amplitude of muscular responses reaches its plateau, and stops increasing. In the conclusion, the author suggests the way of measuring parameters of muscular responses evoked by the MS.
Descriptors     MOTOR CORTEX