Author/Editor     Gašperšič, R; Skalerič, U
Title     Ustni lichen planus in spremljajoče bolezni
Translated title     Oral lichen planus and associated conditions
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 58, št. 5
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 125-31
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease, mostly affecting the buccal mucosa. It may occur in conjunction with a number of other chronic conditions and malignant lesions of the oral cavity. In this study, the clinical features of OLP and the prevalence of associated chronic conditions were evaluated in a group of patients referred to the Unit of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, during a period of two years. Patients and methods: Forty-three patients were studied. The clinical features and localization of OLP were evaluated on the basis of history and clinical examination. The presence of accompanying diseases was established from history data. Results: Seventy-five per cent of patients had the reticular form of OLP, and buccal mucosa was the predominant site of involvement (93%); symptomatic disease was present in two thirds of the patients. Seventy per cent of patients had at least one additional chronic condition, most frequently gastrointestinal disease (25%). Conclusion: Our patients did not differ significantly from other patient populations with regard to the clinical features of OLP and prevalence of associated chronic conditions. The reticular form of OLP involving the buccal musoca is managed by symptomatic treatment and observation. Patients with other forms of OLP and other sites of involvement should be referred to a specialist.
Summary     Izhodišče: Ustni lichen planus (ULP) je kronična avtoimunska vnetna bolezen, ki najpogosteje prizadene lično sluznico. V literaturi se ULP povezuje s številnimi drugimi kroničnimi boleznimi in z rakavimi spremembami v ustni votlini. Namen prispevka je bil ugotoviti lastnosti ULP in spremljajoče bolezni pri skupini naših bolnikov. Preiskovanci in metode: Pri 43-ih bolnikih, ki so bili napoteni na Center za ustne bolezni in parodontologijo Kliničnega centra v Ljubljani, smo na osnovi anamneze in kliničnega pregleda ugotavljali obliko in lokalizacijo ULP ter na osnovi anamneze prisotnost spremljajočih bolezni. Rezultati: Najpogostejša oblika ULP je bila mrežasto-čipkasta (75%), najpogostejša lokalizacija pa lična sluznica (93%), dve tretjini bolnikov je imelo klinične znake ULP. 70% bolnikov je bolehalo za najmanj še eno drugo kronično boleznijo, hajpogosteje (25%) za želodčnimi boleznimi. Zaključek: Značilnosti ULP in spremljajočih bolezni se pri naših bolnikih ne razlikujejo bistveno od značilnosti v drugih populacijah. Pri mrežasto-čipkasti obliki ULP na lični sluznici priporočamo spremljanje poteka bolezni. Pri ostalih oblikah in lokalizacijah pa je bolnika potrebno napotiti v specialistično ustanovo.
Descriptors     LICHEN PLANUS, ORAL