Author/Editor     Gaberšček, Simona; Geršak, Ksenija; Cerar, Vasilij Matko; Hojker, Sergej; Kornhauser-Cerar, Lili; Meglič-Matoh, Veruška; Molnar-Novak, Helena; Novak-Antolič, Živa; Pirnat, Edvard; Zaletel, Katja
Title     Nosečnost in ščitnica
Translated title     Pregnancy and thyroid
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 73, št. 1
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 25-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. In conditions with appropriate iodine intake, thyroid gland adapts to changes during pregnancy without any consequences. Fetal need for thyroid hormones in the first trimester is directly connected with transplacental transport of thyroid hormones. Fetal synthesis of thyroid hormones depends on availability of iodine in the feto placental unit. Hypo- and hyperthyroidism during pregnancy are risk factors for pregnant woman and for normal development of fetus and child. Conclusions. Pregnant women with appropriately treated thyroid diseases have the same outcome of pregnancy as healthy women, and neuroendocrinological development of children is not impaired. If the disease is unrecognized or untreated, complications of pregnancy and delivery occur more frequently. Therefore, timely recognition and treatment of the diseases with appropriate drugs during pregnancy and, also, after delivery is very important.
Summary     Izhodišča. Zdrava ščitnica se v razmerah ustrezne preskrbe z jodom brez posledic prilagodi spremembam v nosečnosti. Plodova potreba po ščitničnih hormonih je v prvi tretjini nosečnosti neposredno povezana s prehajanjem materinih hormonov preko posteljice. Plodova lastna sinteza pa je odvisna od dostopnosti joda v feto placentarni enoti. Hipo in hipertiroza v nosečnosti predstavljata tveganje za zdravje nosečnice in za normalen razvoj ploda in otroka. Zaključki. Ob dobro kontrolirani bolezni ščitnice v nosečnosti je izid nosečnosti podoben kot v splošni populaciji in ne vodi v slabši nevroendokrinološki razvoj otroka. Pri neprepoznani ali nezdravljeni bolezni so pogostejši zapleti nosečnosti in poroda. Zato je pomembno pravočasno prepoznavati motnje in jih zdraviti z varnimi zdravili že v nosečnosti, a tudi po porodu.
Descriptors     THYROID DISEASES