Author/Editor     Flis, V; Koželj, M
Title     Anevrizme lienalne arterije: pregled in prikaz primera
Translated title     Splenic artery aneurysms: review and case report
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 61, št. 5-6
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 281-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Visceral aneurysms affecting splanchnic arteries are relatively uncommon lesions. Aneurysmal disease of the splenic artery is more common than aneurysmal disease of any other splanchnic vessel. Most splenic aneurysms are small, with average diameter not extending over l.5cm, and they are usually asymptomatic. Conclusions. Visceral aneurysms affect predominantly pregnant women, specially those who had completed six or more pregnancies. Other patients affected are those with portal hypertension and patients over the age of 60. The risk of rupture is during pregnancy so high that splenic artery aneurysm, even though asymptomatic should be considered an indication for operative treatment. The clinical picture of ruptured aneurysm is the picture of deep hemorrhagic shock with gastrointestinal or/and intraperitoneal bleeding. Diagnosis is in such cases extremely difficult. The only treatment of ruptured aneurysm is surgical intervention. Standard operative technigue includes excision of aneurysm, ligation of splenic artery and splenectomy. A case of a patient with double rupture of splenic artery aneurysm (intraperitoneal and gastric) is presented.
Descriptors     SPLENIC ARTERY