Author/Editor     Krčevski-Škvarč, N; Zabavnik, Z
Title     Stranski pojavi in zapleti pri zdravljenju bolečin s trajno spinalno analgezijo
Translated title     Side effects and complications in pain treatment with continuous spinal analgesia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 61, št. 5-6
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 285-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Spinal application of opiates represents the new quality in the treatment of pain. Beside the analgetic effect at the trearment the side effects also occur the ones of minor importance to the serious complications, which can endanger the life of the patient. Merhods. The side effects and complications in 113 patients treated for severe pain by means of continuous spinal analgesia with morphine were studied at Maribor Teaching Hospital. 90 patients were treated by epidural and 23 by intratchecal application of morphine. The patients with epidural analgesia were treated for an average of 72 days, 360 days at longest. Those with intrathecal analgesia were treated for an average of 67 days, 180 days at longest. Results. Side effects of minor significance were noted in 21 per cent of the patients, more serious ones, potentially dangerous to the patient's life in 2 per cent . Other, primarily technical, complications were observed in 12 per cent of the patients. Conclusions. In the authors' opinion the method of pain treatment by means of continuous spinal analgesia is compromised neither by side effects nor by complications.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS