Avtor/Urednik     Ahčin, Janja
Naslov     Zavzetost bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo za zdravljenje
Prevedeni naslov     Patient compliance in the treatment of arterial hypertension
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 73, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 69-72
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. The family medicine doctor has an important role at discovering and treating hypertension patients. There is no doubt that many factors contribute to poor compliance with long-term antihipertensive therapy. They can originate both sides - patient's and doctors. The aim of the present qualitative study is to get an insight into which are the patient's points of view as well as his beliefs about the hypertension, the prescribed treatment and which obstacles the patients meet during their treatment. Methods. The qualitative methodology was used with the focus group that included seven hypertension patients. Patients' words/presentation were recorded, transcribed and checked. The data were analysed by three independent researchers by means of the text analysis through the marking of significant quotations, coding assembling of codes into themata and categories. The grounded theory was used. Results. Patient compliance in the treatment is increased by relation of partnership and trust in his doctor, medical education and patient's acceptability of medicament. On the other hand, it is decreased by the fact that disease is symptomless, lack of information about the disease and unwanted side effects of medicaments, bad feeling after medicaments taking and long waiting period. Conclusions. An important issue in failure to control hypertension is low compliance with treatment, which remains a universal problem. Compliance involves not only taking the prescribed medications but also adherence to follow-up appointments and maintaining the recommended lifestyle modifications. Furthermore, the patient should be an active participant in the plan of care. Patients' knowledge of hypertension and its complications is an important factor in achieving better compliance, and hence control.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Zdravnik družinske medicine ima pomembno vlogo pri odkrivanju in zdravljenju bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo. Na izid zdravljenja arterijske hipertenzije pomembno vplivata zavzetost bolnika in zdravnika za zdravljenje. Namen te kvalitativne raziskave je dobiti vpogled, kakšna so stališča in prepričanja bolnikov o arterijski hipertenziji, predpisanem zdravljenju in s katerimi ovirami se bolniki srečujejo pri zdravljenju. Metode. Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metodologija s fokusno skupino sedmih bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo. Sneman pogovor na avdiokaseto je bil prepisan in preverjen. Podatke so analizirali trije neodvisni raziskovalci z vsebinsko analizo besedila preko označevanja pomembnih citatov, kodiranja združevanja kod v teme in kategorije. Uporabljena je bila induktivno izpeljana teorija (grounded theory). Rezultati. Zavzetost bolnika za zdravljenje povečujejo: partnerski odnos in zaupanje v zdravnika, zdravstvena vzgoja in sprejemljivost zdravila za bolnika. Zmanjšujejo jo: brezsimptomnost bolezni, pomanjkljivo obveščanje o bolezni in nezaželenih učinkih zdravil, slabo počutje po zdravilih in dolgotrajno čakanje pri zdravniku. Zaključki. Arterijska hipertenzija bolnikom ne povzroča težav, zato so manj zavzeti za zdravljenje. Bolniki se zavedajo povezanosti med arterijsko hipertenzijo in življenjskim slogom. Z zdravstveno vzgojo in izkušnjami postopno spoznavajo, da je njihova bolezen resna. Zaupanje v zdravnika in zdravilo povečuje zavzetost za zdravljenje. Bolniki se morajo na zdravilo spomniti in navaditi. Moti jih pomanjkljivo obveščanje o bolezni, nezaželenih učinkih zdravil in menjava zdravil.
Deskriptorji     HYPERTENSION