Author/Editor     Lapajne, Slavko
Title     Metodologija kemijskih kontaminentov
Translated title     Methods of the determination of the chemical contamination and measurement of the physicochemical parameters
Type     članek
Source     In: Gašperlin L, Žlender B, editors. Varnost živil. 22. Bitenčevi živilski dnevi 2004; 2004 mar 18-19; Radenci. Ljubljana: Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za živilstvo,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 93-100
Language     slo
Abstract     Modern manufacturing, production, packaging and transport demand the monitoring of the presence and appearance of dangerous substancesthrough the whole production process. Forthese purposes we make a list of the substances and raw materials, which are involved in the production process. A list should also contain the materials and products coming into contact with food. Substances and raw materials may be devided into groups according to their characteristics and the role in the production process .The next step should be the supervision of the existing information concerning the presence and appearance of the dangerous compounds. This should be done with special attention to their reliability and representativity. In this case basic statistical tools may be very useful. On the basis of these findings the additional measures including the analysis and measurements must be planned. We define critical points and consequently the critical parameters (on the basis of the analysis of the existing information) which influence the processed food in the way that it becomes unsuitable for consumption.
Descriptors     FOOD ANALYSIS