Author/Editor     Zupanc-Kos, Mira; Pavčič, Maruša
Title     Predpisi in standardi na področju hrane oziroma živil
Translated title     Regulations and standards in the field of food and foodstuffs
Type     članek
Source     In: Gašperlin L, Žlender B, editors. Varnost živil. 22. Bitenčevi živilski dnevi 2004; 2004 mar 18-19; Radenci. Ljubljana: Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za živilstvo,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 137-40
Language     slo
Abstract     The paper discuss the regulations and standards in the field of food and foodstuffs, together with the possibilities of their relations in production, marketing and surveillance process of food and/or foodstuffs. The distinction between the matters which shall be regulated due to protection of human health, environmental protection, protection of animals and consumer protection and other matters, subject to voluntary standardisation have to be taken into account. Among the voluntary standards, one shall take into account harmonized standards, necessary for the implementation of regulations (which refer to harmonised standards) and other voluntary standards, made on the basiss of initiative of food and/or foodstuffs producers for the purpose of implementing the schemes of voluntary quality assurance.