Author/Editor     Urlić, I; Krstulović, M
Title     Agresivnost u transferu shizofrenih bolesnika
Translated title     Aggression in the transference of schizophrenics
Type     članek
Source     Med An
Vol. and No.     Letnik 16, št. 2
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 135-44
Language     cro
Abstract     The authors first describe the most important psychoanalytic concepts and their developmental line about the origin and significance of aggression. They further expose contemporary understanding of psychotic transference and transference psychosis and the difference between them. Researching in the field of clinical manifestations the authors describe different forms and kinds of transference manifestations during individual, and particularly during group psychotherapy of schizophrenics. They discuss the use and interaction of the mechanisms of defence of psychotics, permanent oscillations between libidinal and aggressive features, and archaic releasing of regressive layers until acting-out in psychotic transference, as well as the need of the therapist's deep psychodynamic understanding of the transference manifestations in the function of helping patients in achieving better inner equilibrium between libidinal and aggressive features
Descriptors     AGGRESSION