Avtor/Urednik     Bilban, Marjan
Naslov     Vpliv alkohola na vozniško zmožnost
Prevedeni naslov     Influence of alcohol on driving ability
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 43, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 54-66
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Due to rapid development of motorisation, a true epidemic of traumatism in road traffic has became one of the key problems of the development of traffic over the last decade. Numerous research studies bear witness to the importance of human factor in road traffic accidents. The human factor is also often linked to periodic chronic inebriation of drivers and other participans in road traffic. The results of epidemiological study indicate without a doubt that the law was not successful enough with its repressive and preventative measures in the field of drunk drivers. Although the share of drivers under the influence of alcohol who caused traffic accidents did not fall in the observation period, the average level of blood alcohol decreased. The highest levels of intoxication were established in cases of those whose caused accidents resulting in death, especially cyclists and pedestrians. Experts on alcohol belive that punishment cannot make alcoholics and other drivers abandon their behavioural patterns and stop driving under the influence of alcohol. We therefore belive that supplements to the new law should be adopted urgently, that would contribute, through better medical selection, to a reduction in the number of drunk drivers behind the wheel, both those who are alcohol dependet (and should be referred to treatment).
Izvleček     Zaradi hitrega razvoja motorizacije je postala epidemija poškodb v cestnem prometu v zadnjih desetletjih eden od ključnih problemov razvoja prometa. Številne študije kažejo na prevladujočo vlogo človeškega dejavnika v cestnoprometnih nezgodah. Pogosto je povezan z opitostjo voznikov in ostalih udeležencev v cesfnem prometu. Rezultati epidemiološke študije nedvomno kažejo na to, da zakonodaja ni dovolj uspešna s svojimi represivnimi ukrepi na področju vožnje pod vplivom alkohola. Delež alkoholiziranih povzročiteljev cestnoprometnih nezgod ne upada, rahlo pa se je zmanjšala povprečna stopnja alkoholiziranosti. Najvišja stopnja alkoholiziranosti je bila ugotovljena pri povzročiteljih cestnoprometnih nezgod s smrtnim izidom, glede na svojstvo pa pri kolesarjih, pešcih in voznikih traktorjev Strokovnjaki s področja alkohologije menijo, da kaznovanje ne more uspešno odvrniti alkoholikov in vinjenih voznikov od njihovih življenjskih navad in sloga, ter jih tudi ne more odvrniti od vožnje pod vplivom alkohola. Zato menimo, da je potrebna takojšnja sprememba zakonodaje, ki bi z ustreznejšo zdravstveno selekcijo kandidatov (in povratnikov) pripomogla k zmanjšanju števila vinjenih voznikov za volanom, posledično pa tudi k zmanjšanju problematike odvisnosti od alkohola v celotni družbi.