Author/Editor     Mrvič, Tatjana; Marin, Jožica
Title     Okužbe z metapnevmovirusom
Translated title     Infections with metapneumovirus
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 131-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a newly discovered respiratory pathogen related with infections in children and adults. Serological studies have showed that by the age of five years virtualy all children have been exposed to that virus. Infections can be asimptomatic. The clinical simptoms are similar to those caused by respiratory syncytial virus. In small children most infections appear as acute bronchiolitis or pneumonia, and in adult patients it is almost impossible to distinguish them from infections caused by other respiratory viruses. RT-PCR (reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction) is the method used for detection of the virus. Since the virus has been identified only three yaears ago, its clinical and economical importance has yet to be determinated.
Summary     Človeški metapnevmovirus (hMPV) je novoodkriti patogen dihalnih poti, ki ga povezujejo z okužbami dihal pri otrocih in odraslih. Do petega leta starosti skoraj vsi otroci v serumu razvijejo protitelesa proti omenjenemu virusu. Okužbe lahko potekajo brezsimptomno ali pa s klinično sliko, ki najbolj spominja na okužbe z respiratornim sincicijskim virusom (RSV). Pri majhnih otrocih se okužba kaže kot akutni bronhiolitis ali pljučnica, pri odraslih bolnikih pa jo je klinično nemogoče ločiti od okužb z drugimi virusi dihal. V diagnostične namene za dokazovanje virusa se trenutno uporablja metoda RT-PCR (reakcija s hMPV reverzno transkripcijo in polimerazno verižno reakcijo). Ker je bil virus odkrit šele pred tremi leti, klinični in ekonomski pomen okužb s hMPV zaenkrat še ni pojasnjen.