Author/Editor     Gošnjak, Maja
Title     Spremembe slovenske zakonodaje za zagotavljanje mikrobiološke varnosti živil v luči evropskih zahtev
Type     članek
Source     In: Raspor P, editor. Mikrobiologija in biotehnologija v proizvodnji živil. Ljubljana: Biotehniška fakulteta,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 37-44
Language     slo
Abstract     There are several diseases than can be transmitted through food, therefore care for food safety is considered an important task of every developed country. In the past, the food-governing legislation dealt solely with the irregularities found in the composition and the weight of products, whereas today the efforts at providing safe food, which is fit for human consumption, are considered the main priority. With the formation of the European Community, and thereby created common market, each member state was obliged to harmonise its legislation governing the production and the sale of foods. The directive considered most important in this field is the Council Directive (93/43/EEC), which lays down the procedure of adopting microbiological criteria, with vertical directives for individual food groups then stipulating such criteria. The field of microbiological safety of foods in Europe is greatly influenced by the international standards, being introduced by the Codex Alimentarius, and the recommendations of the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF). In Slovenia the two most important acts governing the field of providing food safety are: theAct on the sanitary suitability of foodstuffs, products and materials coming into contact with foodstuffs, passed end of June 2000; and the Veterinary Practice Act (1994 and 2001 respectively). According to both aforementioned acts, the responsibility for production and sale of safe foods has been transferred to the activity holders, with greatest importance attached to internal controls. As for the first of the mentioned acts, the executive regulations have not yet been issued. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)