Author/Editor     Šprem, Nikola; Branica, Srećko; Dawidowsky, Krsto; Kovač, Lana
Title     Histological study of stapes suprastructure in otosclerosis
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 21-3
Language     eng
Abstract     The interest in otosclerosis is very old. The first person to describe stapes ankylosis was Valsalva in 1735 (1). The first studies of histological changes in otosclerosis were done by Politzer in 1893 (2-3). In addition, there have been some famous histological studies from Guild, Ruedi, Spoendlin and Nylen (4-6). The list of authors who were interested in the histology of otosclerosis is extremely long. However, some authors described histological changes similar to otosclerosis even in other auditory ossicles. Cowell, for example, described changes resembling an otosclerotic plaque in the incus as early as 1940 (7). At our clinic, the main technique for resolving the problem of otosclerosis since 1977 has been stapedotomy. For histological analysis, only the removed stapes suprastructure can be used (8). This paper reports our results of histological analyses of removed stapes suprastructure in otosclerosis.
Descriptors     OTOSCLEROSIS