Author/Editor     Strojan, Primož; Šoba, Erika; Auersperg, Marija
Title     Nekirurško zdravljenje verukoznega karcinoma glave in vratu
Translated title     Non-surgical treatment of verrucous carcinoma of the head and neck
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 259-63
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Verrucous carcinoma is a low grade, locally invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The treatment of choice is surgery, which can be mutilating in the head and neck region if radical. Purpose: To review the results of concomitant chemoradiotherapy as a new treatment option for this type of cancer. Patients and methods: During the period between 1980 and 2002, four patients had only radiotherapy and nine were treated with radiotherapy and concomitant combined chemotherapy at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. Results: The disease recurred in 3/4 irradiated patients and only in 1/9 patients who were treated with chemoradiotherapy. All patients irradiated with a sufficiently intensive regimen, i. e. with a biologically effective dose of > 60 Gy, who received at least two cycles of chemotherapy during radiotherapy, were cured. Conclusions: The success of a properly designed and conducted non-surgical therapy of verrucous carcinoma is comparable to the results of surgery.
Summary     Izhodišče: Verukozni karcinom je nizko maligen, lokalno agresiven ploščatocelični karcinom. Standardno zdravljenje je kirurško, ki pa je v področju glave in vratu pogosto mutilantno, če je dovolj radikalno. Namen: Preveriti uspešnosti spremljajoče kemoradioterapije kot novega in še neraziskanega načina zdravljenja te vrste raka. Bolniki in metode: V obdobju 1980-2002 smo na Onkološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani zdravili s samo radioterapijo štiri bolnike, z radioterapijo in spremljajočo kombinirano kemoterapijo pa devet bolnikov. Rezultati: Kar pri 3/4 samo obsevanih bolnikih in le pri 1/9 bolnikov iz skupine, zdravljenih s kemoradioterapijo, se je bolezen ponovila. Vsi bolniki, ki so bili zdravljeni z dovolj intenzivnim režimom radioterapije, tj. z biološko ekvivalentno dozo > 60 Gy, in ki so med obsevanjem prejeli vsaj dva kroga kemoterapije, so bili ozdravljeni. Zaključek: Uspešnost pravilno načrtovane in izpeljane kemoradioterapije verukoznega karcinoma je primerljiva z rezultati operacijskega zdravljenja.