Author/Editor     Anderluh, Franc; Lešničar, Hotimir
Title     Rezultati zdravljenja karcinoma grla, stadij III, v obdobju od 1992 do 2001
Translated title     Treatment results for stage III larynegal carcinoma from 1992 to 2001
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 273-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the treatment results for 133 patients who were radically treated for stage III laryngeal carcinoma in Slovenia during the period from 1992 to 2001. Twenty-three patients (17.3%) were treated with surgery, 39 (29.3%) with radiotherapy and 71 (53.4%) with a combination of surgery and radiotherapy. The five-year overall survival (OS) was better in the group of patients who had had combined treatment (OS = 74.4%) than in that treated with surgery (OS = 46.1%, p < 0.05) or radiotherapy alone (OS =40.3%, p < 0.05). Five-year disease-free survival (DFS) was better in the group that received combined treatment (DFS = 96.9%) than in the group treated with radiotherapy alone (DFS = 77.7%, p < 0.05). There was no difference in DFS between the group treated with combined treatment and that treated with surgery alone (DFS=78.1%). There was also no difference in OS and DFS between the groups treated with surgery or radiotherapy alone.
Summary     Namen naše retrospektivne raziskave je bil oceniti rezultate zdravljenja karcinoma grla na vzorcu 133 bolnikov, ki so bili v obdobju od leta 1992 do leta 2001 v Sloveniji zdravljeni z namenom ozdravitve. Triindvajset bolnikov (17,3%) je bilo samo operiranih, 39 (29,3%) samo obsevanih, 71 (53,4%) pa je bilo zdravljenih s kombinacijo operacije in obsevanja. Petletno celokupno preživetje (CP) je pri kombiniranem zdravljenju (CP= 74,4%) boljše kot pri zdravljenju samo z operacijo (CP=46,1%, p < 0,05) ali samo z obsevanjem (CP=40,3%, p < 0,05). Petletno preživetje brez bolezni (PBB) je pri kombiniranem zdravljenju (PBB=96,9%) boljše kot pri zdravljenju samo z obsevanjem (PBB=77,7%, p < 0,05), ne pa tudi, če ga primerjamo z rezultati zdravljenja samo z operacijo (PBB =78,1%, p > 0,05). Med zdravljenjem samo z operacijo ali samo z obsevanjem statistično pomembnih razlik v CP in PBB ne ugotavljamo (p > 0,05).