Author/Editor     Spudič, Štefan; Žargi, Miha
Title     Vpliv alergije na uspeh zdravljenja nosne polipoze pri bolnikih s sindromom aspirinske intolerance (SYAI)
Translated title     Influence of allergy on treatment of aspirin sensitive patients with nasal polyposis
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 337-40
Language     slo
Abstract     Introduction: Aspirin intolerance is a triad of non-IgE-mediated aspirin sensitivity, asthma and nasal polyposis. The diagnosis is made clinically rather than with provocation tests. Treatment is medical and surgical. Patients and methods: The effect is presented of combined medical and endoscopic surgical treatment of nasal polyposis in aspirin intolerant patients treated from 1 Jan. 1994 to 30 June 2000 at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery in Ljubljana. Our interest was focused on a possible difference in the recurrence rate of nasal polyposis between aspirin sensitive patients with and without allergy. Results: Nasal polyps relapsed in 9 out of 42 allergic patients and in 7 out of 28 non allergic patients. Conclusions: There was no difference in the polyposis recurrence rate between allergic and non-allergic patients.
Summary     Uvod. Aspirinska intoleranca je klinični sindrom treh simptomov: nosne polipoze, astme in preobčutljivostne reakcije na aspirin (ne Iglrtipa). Diagnozo naredimo klinično, le redko s provokacijskimi testi. Zdravljenje je kombinirano, in sicer z zdravili in kirurško. Bolniki in metode. Prikazujemo uspehe zdravljenja z zdravili in operacijskega zdravljenja bolnikov z nosno polipozo v sklopu sy AI na kliniki za ORL in CFK v Ljubljani v obdobju med 1.1.1994 in 30. 6. 2000. Zanimala nas je razlika uspeha zdravljenja med bolniki s sy AI, ki imajo hkrati tudi alergijo, in bolniki s sy AI, ki alergije nimajo. Rezultati. Polipi so se ponovili pri 9 od 42 alergikov in pri 7 od 28 nealergikov. Zaključki. Statistično značilne razlike pri pogostosti ponovitve nosne polipoze med skupinama bolnikov s sy AI, ki imajo alergijo ali je nimajo, nismo ugotovili.
Descriptors     NASAL POLYPS