Avtor/Urednik     de Zwart, W
Naslov     Treatment of women alcoholics, clinical and epidemiological data
Tip     članek
Vir     Alcoholism
Vol. in št.     Letnik 27, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     1991
Obseg     str. 17-31
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     In the first part of this paper epidemiological data on female problem drinking will be presented. It was concluded that in the Netherlands the percentage of women with alcohol problems has increased during the seventies but stabilized in the eighties. Nowadays one out of every five problem drinkers is a woman. The second part of the article concentrates on data from research in an all women's alcohol clinic. All clients who were admitted to the clinic for treatment in one year (n=69) were included in the research population. Besides, another 29 women had an intake but did not enter treatment. Of this group only intake data were available. Data were collected by structured questionnaires which were not only replied by the clients themselves but also by their therapists and the counselors who gave aftercare. The paper discusses several characteristics of the women at intake and presents the results of follow-up which took place about 4.5 months after discharge from the clinic
Deskriptorji     ALCOHOLISM