Author/Editor     Rotar-Pavlič, Danica
Title     Prevalenca in napovedni dejavniki za razvoj depresije ter generalizirane anksiozne motnje
Translated title     Prevalence and predictors of future episodes of depression and generalised anxiety disorder
Type     članek
Source     In: Rotar-Pavlič D, editor. Kakovostna obravnava bolnika v družinski medicini: obravnava s področja pulmologije, psihiatrije, potovalne medicine in nevrologije. Zbornik predavanj 30. srečanje delovnih skupin; 2004 maj 28-29; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 29-33
Language     slo
Abstract     Depression is extremely common and disabling and up to one-quarter of all general practice attendees may be significantly depressed. Depression is one of the main causes of time lost from work in Europe. Moreover, individuals who are depressed have poorer general health than others and experience as much disability and social impairment as people suffering from chronic physical illnesses. Hence it is of great concern that the prevalence of depression in European countries has not fallen in recent years despite the advent of simple, cheap and effective treatments, public health education campaigns and the availability of evidence based guidelines. General or Generalised Anxiety Disorder (G.A.D.) is the second psychiatric condition met in general practice setting. It is much more than the normal anxiety that people experience day to day. It is chronic and fills one's day with exaggerated worry and tension, even though there is little or nothing to provoke it. Having Generalised Anxiety Disorder means always anticipating disaster, often worrying excessively about health, money, family, or work. In the article both most frequent psychiatric conditions are presented. A description of prevalence and predictive characteristics are outlined as well.