Author/Editor     Valenčič, Brigita
Title     Aplikacija nizkomolekularnih heparinov
Type     članek
Source     In: Rotar-Pavlič D, editor. Kakovostna obravnava bolnika v družinski medicini: obravnava s področja pulmologije, psihiatrije, potovalne medicine in nevrologije. Zbornik predavanj 30. srečanje delovnih skupin; 2004 maj 28-29; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 108-10
Language     slo
Abstract     The doctor prescribes heparin with full responsibility, since heparin has proved to be an efficient and safe medicine. S/he needs to follow the instructions thoroughly when measuring out every single heparin dose, standard as well as low-molecular weight heparin, since different units of weight (units or mg) are used with preparation of similar doses and their intensity could also be different. Not only the doctor but also the nurse has to be careful and follow the instructions when applying low-molecular weight heparin. In this way one contributes to successful medical treatment.