Author/Editor     Goljar, Nika
Title     Kompleksna rehabilitacija po možganski kapi v rehabilitacijski ustanovi
Type     članek
Source     In: Goljar N, Štefančič M, editors. Novosti v rehabilitaciji po možganski kapi. Zbornik predavanj 15. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2004 mar 26-27; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 81-5
Language     slo
Abstract     In patient rehabilitation an interdisciplinary team provides a comprehensive rehabilitation program for each patient. Rehabilitation program is usually more intense and comprehensive than rehabilitation in other settings and requires greater physical and mental effort from the patient. Admission to an inpatient rehabilitation program should generally be limited to stroke patients with disabilities in two or more of the following areas of function: mobility, performance of the basic activities of daily living, bowel or bladder control, cognition, emotional functioning, swallowing and communication. Threshold criteria are 1) patient is medically stable, 2) able to learn, 3) has enough physical activity endurance to participate actively in rehabilitation program for at least 3 hours. Principal objectives of treating stroke patients in Institute for Rehabilitation, Slovenia, are: comprehensive rehabilitation of people with severe disabilities, a detailed functional assessment, selection of pretending adaptive devices, durable equipment and orthotic devices, specific interventions (menaging pain, spasticity), evaluation for the potential to return to work and vocational rehabilitation.