Author/Editor     Pentek, Metka
Title     Bolnik po možganski kapi v domačem okolju
Type     članek
Source     In: Goljar N, Štefančič M, editors. Novosti v rehabilitaciji po možganski kapi. Zbornik predavanj 15. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2004 mar 26-27; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 93-100
Language     slo
Abstract     Occurring suddenly, stroke event results in important changes in the life of patient and his family. General practitioner/family doctor aids the patient in the acute phase of the disease (the paper refers to the relevant decision guidelines) and during the rehabilitation phase. The treatment of the poststroke patient should be team-based and complex. The patient information flow from the primary to the secondary level is imperative, though as yet deficient. The weakness of the systems also lies in the absence of the physiotherapist from the field team. In the course of the patient's post-stroke rehabilitation the general practitioner deals with the involved risk factors according to the principle of secondary prevention of cerebrovascular disease, encourages the patient to perform the taught skillspecific exercises as well as exercises for memory practice and restoration of cognitive pathways. He uses non-medicamentous and medicamentous therapy to treat the highly probable emotional lability and very common depression of the patient. The physician's task is to support the family members to take an active part in the patient's rehabilitation, while also protecting the primary carer from burning out. The social insurance system should allow children the right to sick leave for the nursing care of their parents. Another issue to be finally solved is formalizing the employment of physiotherapist and occupational therapist at home. Single findings as presented in the article are supported by the results of the research project STROKE (KAP).