Author/Editor     Puh, Urška
Title     Z omejevanjem spodbujajoča terapija
Type     članek
Source     In: Goljar N, Štefančič M, editors. Novosti v rehabilitaciji po možganski kapi. Zbornik predavanj 15. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2004 mar 26-27; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 131-41
Language     slo
Abstract     Introduction: Constraint-induced movement therapy is a new approach to rehabilitation of patients after stroke. It involves constraining use of the unaffected upper limb and repeatedly practising use of the paretic upper limb according to the motor relearning approach. Aim: To establish the characteristics of constraint-induced therapy, on the basis of literature review. Methods: A literature review between the years of 1976 and 2003 was performed with emphasis on its use in stroke patients. Results: Effectiveness of constraint-induced therapy has been proved in clinical studies and randomised controlled trials. Their results show that this approach can significantly reduce the motor deficit in stroke patients with paretic upper limb and enables the transference of therapeutic effects to the activities of daily living. The effects have been present up to two years after treatment. Conclusion: Constraint-induced movement therapy is effective in rehabilitation of stroke patients with partially reduced upper limb function. There is a need to accurately investigate the effects of the constraint-induced movement therapy elements, its effects on the reorganisation of brain, and to define for which patients after stroke this therapy is appropriate.