Author/Editor     Meh, D; Novak, P; Moharič, M; Marinček, Č
Title     Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as treatment of painful neuropathy
Type     članek
Source     In: Marinček Č, Burger H, editors. Rehabilitation sciences in the new millenium: challenge for multidisciplinary research. Collection of works presented at the 8th congress of European federation for research in rehabilitation; 2004 Jun 13-17; Ljubljana. Bologna: Medimond, Monduzzi editore, International proceedings division,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 191-5
Language     eng
Abstract     Background: Pain is a very disabling symptom, or even a syndrome that incapacitates the patients and disturbs their life. Objectives: Metabolic neuropathies are frequently linked to positive sensory symptoms. Patients'complaints are often underestimated and overlooked. Methods and subjects: Fifty-seven patients with metabolic neuropathy were treated by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Standard parameters (100 Hz, 0.2 ms) were used. The effect of TENS was evaluated by the visual analogue scale (VAS). Additionally, thermotest before and after treatment was done. Findings: TENS effectively reduces pain in patients with small nerve fibre metabolic neuropathy. Conclusions: TENS is an effective addition to other analgesic modalities with no side effect.
Descriptors     NEURALGIA