Author/Editor     Hoefferle-Felc, A
Title     Early hand rehabilitation after primary surgical care or reconstruction of flexor tendons
Type     članek
Source     In: Marinček Č, Burger H, editors. Rehabilitation sciences in the new millenium: challenge for multidisciplinary research. Collection of works presented at the 8th congress of European federation for research in rehabilitation; 2004 Jun 13-17; Ljubljana. Bologna: Medimond, Monduzzi editore, International proceedings division,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 223-6
Language     eng
Abstract     In a multi-centre, prospective and comparative study two flexor tendon repair motion protocols were compared: the Kleinert's method which is commonly accepted in Slovenia, and the Duran's method which is believed to be safe,being based on passive therapeutic exercises only. The null hypothesis was that the Duran's method was better. The sample represented the patients who injured both flexor tendons in zone II and had primary surgical care between February 2001 and November 2002. Two consecutive groups were formed: 17 patients in the Kleinert's group, and 16 patients in the Duran's group. To compare the range of movement, the formula of Strickland and Glogovac was used. Function of the injured hands was tested by the use of a questionnaire. No statistically significant differences were stated between the two groups.
Descriptors     HAND INJURIES