Author/Editor     Sereg-Bahar, M; Marinček, Č; Fischinger, J
Title     Speech rehabilitation after laryngectomy
Type     članek
Source     In: Marinček Č, Burger H, editors. Rehabilitation sciences in the new millenium: challenge for multidisciplinary research. Collection of works presented at the 8th congress of European federation for research in rehabilitation; 2004 Jun 13-17; Ljubljana. Bologna: Medimond, Monduzzi editore, International proceedings division,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 285-8
Language     eng
Abstract     Esophageal speech (ES) and tracheoesophageal speech (TES) are the commonest modes of alaryngeal speech after laryngectomy. According to the results of the present study, the patients treated for hypopharyngeal (Hy) cancer were significantly less successful in mastering ES, and used TES significantly more often than patients with laryngeal (L) cancer. The reason for the failure in mastering ES can be more extensive surgical procedure necessary for cure in patients with Hy cancer. There were no differences in patients' evaluation of quality of ES and TES as the new mode of communication. The patients even believe that the use of TES less impairs their lives' quality than the use of ES. The insertion of voice prosthesis is a good mode of speech rehabilitation for the laryngectomees who do not learn ES.
Descriptors     LARYNGECTOMY