Author/Editor     Vouk, Katja; Hudler, Petra; Strmišnik, Lucija; Hojnik, Nina; Fink, Martina; Majdič, Gregor; Zorn, Branko; Lalli, Enzo; Sassone-Corsi, Paolo; Debeljak, Nataša; Komel, Radovan; Rozman, Damjan
Title     Combinations of genetic changes in the human cAMP responsive element modulator (CREM) gene - a clue towards understanding some forms of male infertility?
Type     članek
Source     In: Programme and abstracts of the 13th international workshop on the development and function of the reproductive organs; 2004 Jun 12-15; Copenhagen. Copenhagen: Serono fundation,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. P-030
Language     eng