Author/Editor     Petelin, M; Gašperšič, R; Skalerič, U
Title     Pekoča bolečina v ustni votlini
Translated title     Burling mouth syndrome
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 59, št. 2-3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 39-44
Language     slo
Abstract     Symptoms: Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is defined as a burning pain in the mouth without other signs of oral disease. The sensation occurs most commonly on the tip of the tongue, but other sites like the hard palate, lips or the alveolar process are also frequently involved. Less commonly affected areas are the buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth and the throat. The condition is found mainly in women between 55 and 60 years of age. Aetiology: Local, systemic and psychological factors can play a part in the aetiology of BMS. The most important local causes are allergic reactions to dental materials and food allergens, faulty denture design and candidiasis. Systemic causes include vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal alterations (menopause) and diabetes. The principal psychological factors are depression, anxiety, phobic concern about cancer and stress. Treatment: In some patients, the aetiology of BMS can be established by a detailed history, careful clinical examination, bacteriological and allergological testing, and blood analysis. If the pain is mild, the patient only needs to be reassured that the condition is benign. Severe cases are treated with vitamin B complex replacement, anticandidal agents and antidepressants.
Summary     Znaki: Sindrom pekočih ust je opredeljen kot pekoča bolečina v ustni votlini brez opaznih bolezenskih sprememb na ustni sluznici. Pekoča bolečina se največkrat pojavi na konici jezika, pogosto na trdem nebu, ustnicah, zobiščnem nastavku, redko pa na lični sluznici, žrelu ali ustnem dnu. Pekoča bolečina je navadno neprekinjena, lahko se podnevi stopnjuje ali pa je njena jakost ves čas enaka. Večinoma obolevajo ženske med 55. in 60. letom. Vzroki: Vzročni dejavniki pekoče bolečine v ustih so lokalni, sistemski in psihološki. Med lokalne spadajo alergično-toksična reakcija na dentalne materiale in sestavine hrane, neustrezno oblikovana zobna proteza ter kandidiaza. Med sistemske vzročne dejavnike uvrščamo pomanjkanje določenih vitaminov in mineralov, hormonsko neravnovesje (klimakterij) in sladkorno bolezen. Psihološki vzročni dejavniki vkfučujejo depresijo, anksioznost, kancerofobijo in stresen dogodek. Zdravljenje: Da bi odkrili vzrok pekočih ust, potrebujemo dobro anamnezo, skrben klinični pregled bolnika in po potrebi bakteriološko preiskavo, alergološke teste in preiskave krvi. V blažjih primerih bolnika samo pomirimo, v težjih predpišemo vitamine B, zdravilo proti glivam in pomirjevala.