Author/Editor     Šlebinger, Monika; Ovin, Rasto; Festić, Mejra
Title     Sistemi oskrbe z zdravili v Evropi
Translated title     Drug supply system in Europe
Type     članek
Source     In: Spremembe v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva. 11. strokovno srečanje ekonomistov in poslovodnih delavcev v zdravstvu; 2004 apr 22-23; Maribor. Ljubljana: Društvo ekonomistov v zdravstvu,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 41-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The countries regulate the accessibitity to drugs and, consequently, their consumption by determining the methods of new drugs registration, the distribution of drugs and the method of drugs expenses reimbursement (type of health insurance) with administrative measures. The paper investigates how drugs are distributed in how expenses are reimbursed in Europe. Recenrly, the reimbursement of expenses is a popular subject of all discussions about drugs supply. In order to cut the costs of drugs, pharmaceutical markets throughout Europe are relatively strongly controlled, which is in collision with the concept of free movement of goods and services as well as with the tendency to develop the European society as a technology advanced sociery. Therefore, it would be wise to reconsider wherher the same goals could be achieved by stimulating bigger competition and free market.
Descriptors     DRUGS