Author/Editor     Pregelj, Peter; Kocmur, Marga; Danieli, Aljoša
Title     Predstavitev urgentne psihiatrične ambulante
Translated title     Presentation of urgent psychiatric outpatient department
Type     članek
Source     In: Bručan A, Gričar M, Vajd R, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja. Zbornik 11. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 2004 jun 9-12; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 227-31
Language     slo
Abstract     Urgent Psychiatry Outpatients' Department (UPOD) was established at University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana on 5th January 2004. The work in this department will be presented in the following contribution. The data were collected from medical documentation and statistically analysed. 400 patients were examined in the UPOD in the first three months. The major part of the patients (64%) was directed by general practitioners (GP) and 13% by urgent GP. Most patients suffered from mood disorders (29%) and anxiety disorders (37%), minor part of them had psychotic disorders (10%), substance-related disorders (13%) and organic disorders (4%). 31% of the patients had already been examined by the psychiatrist in Psychiatry Outpatients' Department, 16% of the patients had already been hospitalized in the Psychiatric Hospital and 42% received psycho-pharmacological therapy. 27% expressed suicidal ideations or threats and 9% of the patients were examined after suicide attempt. Patients examined collected on average 3.4 points on Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) scale and 65 points on Global Assessment Scale (GAS). Altogether 56% of the examinations in the UPOD were urgent by the urgent psychiatrist opinion. Half of the patients were directed into further outpatient' treatment, one-fifth to GP, 19% of the patients were hospitalized. The chi-square analysis demonstrated a statistically significant difference in the fre quency of suicidal behavior between patients with or without substance abuse and between patients with diagnoses from different groups.
Descriptors     MENTAL DISORDERS