Author/Editor | Košnik, M; Mušič, E; Sager, A | |
Title | Comparison of potency and safety of two hymenoptera venom extracts | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Allergy Hypersens Asth | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 2, št. 1 | |
Publication year | 2004 | |
Volume | str. 43-5 | |
Language | eng | |
Abstract | Background: Wc studicd the clinical equipotency of two aqueous venom extracts used for skin testing and specific imrnunotherapy. Methods: We included 68 patients (50 males, 4?±I > years) on maintenance immunotherapy with honey bee (26) or wasp (42) venom. First we performed duplicate skin prick tests with Venomenhal® (V) and ALK Reless® (R) venom extract (100 microg/ml). On two consecutive maintenance injection days 53 patients received in random order either 100 microg of R or V venom. Results: Weal diameter in skin prick tests (mean± were 3,9±1,1 mm (V) and 4,1±1,0 mm (R) for bee venom (NS) and 3,4±I,0 mm (V) and 3,9±1,2 mm (R) for wasp venom (p<0,01). Local reaction 30 minutes after'maintenance injection were 6,1±1,7 cm (V) and 5,4±2,5 cm (R) for bee venom (NS) and 5,1±1,8 cm (V) and 6,1±1,8 cm (R) for wasp venom (p<0,05). Late local reactions (LLR) and tiredness (T) on the day of injection and 24 hours after injection were equally distributed among both groups and were mild (LLR on the day of injection: 38% of patients (V) vs 43% (R). LLR after 24 hours: 28% (V) vs 28% (R). T on the day of injection: 21% (V) vs 23% (R). T after 24 hours: 0% (V) vs 6% (R)). Conclusions: V was at least as safe as A. There were no adverse reactions due to switching from R to V. Slightly but significantly smaller weal in skin prick tests and immediate local reactions might be due to lesser potency or better purification of V wasp extract. | |