Author/Editor     Eržen, J; Cvelbar, P; Miličič, M
Title     Etodolak - novi predstavnik iz skupine nesteroidnih protivnetnih zdravil
Translated title     Etodolac - new representative of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 61, št. 7
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 335-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The article reviews the pharmacokinetic properties, clinical efficacy and safety profile of a new nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory etodolac indicated for symptomatic trearment of inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic diseases. There are certain specificities in the mechanism by which etodolac acts not shared by all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: erodolac inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis to a lesser degree in the gastric mucosa and renal tissue then in the affected joint. It does not interfere with chondrocyte metabolism, and retards the progression of articular structural damage. Conclusions. A daily dose ranging from 200 mg to 600 mg, adequate to provide analgesics and anti-inflammatory effects, appears to be equally safe for use in younger and elderly rheumatic patients. No significant change in erodolac kinetics is observed when the drug is given to patients with impaired kidney or liver function and when administrated over a longer period of time. Clinical studies by now have shown that etodolac does not interact with other concomitant medication. Because of these characteristics, etodolac is particularly recommended for the longterm treatment of elderly patients.