Author/Editor     Kogoj, A
Title     Agitation in dementia due to hypothyroidism
Type     članek
Source     Acta Neuropsychiatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 14, št. 3
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 117-9
Language     eng
Abstract     This retrospective study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of cytopathologic diagnosis and of correct classification of benign breast disease,s. A total of 1,598 FNABs were identified to have met the study criteria; of these, 1,258 (78.7%) cases were cytologically benign, 88 (S.S%) suspicious, 3 (0.18%) false positive, and in 249 (15.6%) cases an inadequate sample was obtained. A specific diagnosis was made in 847/1,258 (67.3%) cases; the other 411 were diagnosed as benign NOS. Out of 847 specific FNABs diagnoses, 451 were fibroadenomas, 27 phyllodes tumors, 289 fibrocystic diseases, 4 proliferative fibrocystic diseases, 38 papillomas, 22 fat necrosis, 9 mastitis, 1 pseudolymphoma, 2 lipomas, 2 duct ecstasies, and 2 atheromas. In our study group the cytopathologic diagnosis of benign breast diseases excluding unsatisfactory aspirates was correct in 93%. Specific diagnosis was correct on average in 50% of cases, only in FA was its accuracy over 60%; in adequately sampled tumor, the predictive value of FA was 86.2%.
Descriptors     HYPOTHYROIDISM