Author/Editor     Šmit, Majda
Title     Doživljanje žensk, obolelih za rakom dojke, in načini pomoči medicinskih sester (1. del)
Translated title     Experiencing of women with breast cancer in kinds of help nurses can offer (part 1)
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 159-65
Language     slo
Abstract     In the article psychosocial impact of breast cancer on patients are presented. Theoretical part presents the crisis situation occurring when the disease is diagnosed. It can occur at the very suspicion that the disease might be malignant, and can proceed through periods of diagnostic process, treatment, rehabilitation, prolonged survival and relapse. The impact of the disease on self-image and self-respect is also presented. The article also describes experience of the author herself at her home following discharge and presents confrontation of patients with their own morbidity and mortality. The role of the nurse in psychological support is stressed. In the conclusion the author presents the needs and importance of further postgraduate forms of training for nursing care of patients with breast cancer (breast cancer nurse) in the frames of oncological nursing care in Slovenia.
Summary     V članku so predstavljeni psihosocialni vplivi bolezni rak dojke na doživljanje obolelih žensk. V teoretičnih izhodiščih je predstavljena krizna situacija ob pojavu bolezni. Ta lahko nastopi ob sumu na rakavo obolenje in se nadaljuje v obdobjih diagnoze, zdravljenja, rehabilitacije, daljšega preživetja, ponovitve bolezni. Prikazan je vpliv bolezni in njenega zdravljenja na samopodobo in samospoštovanje. Razkrije doživljanja avtorice v domačem okolju po odpustu iz bolnišnice in navede soočanje žensk s ponovitvijo bolezni in umrljivostjo. Poudari vlogo medicinskih sester pri psihični podpori obolelim ženskam. Avtorica v zaključku predstavi potrebe in pomen dodatnih podiplomskih izobraževanj za področje celostne pomoči ženskam z rakom dojke (angl. breast cancer nurse) v okviru onkološke zdravstvene nege v Sloveniji.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS