Avtor/Urednik     Kramarič, Petra; Nemec, Alenka; Pavlica, Zlatko; Fležar, Matjaž; Kern, Izidor
Naslov     Clinical analysis of recurrent airway obstruction in horses
Prevedeni naslov     Klinična analiza konj s ponavljajočo se obstrukcijo dihal
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Vet Res
Vol. in št.     Letnik 41, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 53-8
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Our research included 13 adult horses of different ages and breeds that had been referred to our clinic and suspected of having a pulmonary disease. The criteria for diagnosing recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) included having had, for a period longer than two months, clinical signs of a pulmonary disease likely to have been associated with the presence of hay and/or straw in the affected horse's environment. It also included finding pathological changes during a clinical examination, the presence of excessive respiratory secretions in the trachea during a bronchoscopic examination, a reduction in the partial pressure of the arterial oxygen and neutrophilia in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. All the horses used in our study met this criteria. The most common clinical signs of RAO include high breathing frequency, a white serous or mucous nasal discharge, coughing and dyspnoea. We find that measuring the partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood is a reliable means of determining that a pulmonary disease is present and that a bronchoscopic examinationis is a reliable diagnostic method for examination of airways. We established that neutrophilic inflammation was in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and that two thirds of the examined horses were stabled most of the time.
Izvleček     V klinično analizo smo vključili 13 konj različnih pasem in starosti, ki so na našo kliniko prihajali z anamnezo bolezni dihal. Merila za postavitev diagnoze ponavljajoče se obstrukcije dihal (POD) so bila: klinični znaki bolezni dihal dlje kot dva meseca v povezavi s prisotnostjo sena oziroma slame v okolici konja, patološke spremembe pri kliničnem pregledu, prisotnost respiratornega izločka pri bronhoskopiji, znižan parcialni tlak kisika v arterijski krvi in nevtrofilija v bronhoalveolarnem izpirku. Tem merilom so ustrezali vsi pregledani bolni konji. Povišana frekvenca dihanja, belkast voden ali sluzast nosni izcedek, kašelj in oteženo dihanje so najznačilnejši klinični znaki POD. Ugotovili smo, da je parcialni tlak kisika dokaj zanesljiv kazalec obolelosti pljuč. Bronhoskopijo ocenjujemo kot učinkovito dlagnostično metodo za pregled dihalnih poti in zanesljivo ugotavljanje bolezni dihal. V bronhoalveolarnem izpirku konj s POD smo ugotovili nevtrofilno vnetje. Kar dve tretjini bolnih konj je živelo pretežno v hlevu.