Author/Editor     Vrecl, Milka; Uršič, M; Pogačnik, Azra; Jan, Janja
Title     Izločanje planarnih in neplanarnih tetra- in heksa-klorobifenov z mlekom ovac
Translated title     Excretion of planar and non-planar tetra- and hexa-chlorobiphenyl isomers in ovine milk
Type     članek
Source     Vet Nov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 28, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 375-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The aim of this study was to elucidate the possible link between the physico-chemical properlies of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and their residual levels in blood and milk of lactating sheep. Two pairs of structurally diverse PCB congeners were used (IUPAC Nos. -54, -80, -155, and -169) with different toxicity, resistance to metabolism and steric structure. Individual PCB congeners were administered to sheep after parturition by intramuscular injection and their residual levels in blood and milk determined at different time intervals after administration by high-resolution gas chromatography. The pattern of PCB congeners in milk changed considerably from the composition of PCB congeners administered: the enrichment of individual PCB congeners in milk occurred in the order -54, -80, -155, and -169. Therefore, milk is the main excretion route for higher chlorinated, planar, metabolicallystable and more toxic congeners. Based on our results, it could be assumed that the physico-chemical properties of individual PCB congener are important factor for their transfer to the milk. However, their transfer to certain tissue/xcretion product can be additionally influenced by tissue composition as well as by their specific interactions with certain tissue components.
Summary     Z delom smo želeli proučili povezavo med fizikalno-kemijskimi lastnostmi kongener polikloriranih bifenilov (PCB) in stopnjo ostankov le-teh v krvi in mleku ovac v laktaciji. Uporabili smo dva para strukturno različnih kongener PCB (IUPAC št. -54, -80, - 155, in - 169), ki se razlikujejo glede toksičnosti, hitrosti metabolične razgradnje in sterične strukture. Posamezne kongenere smo ovcam vnesli intramuskularno po porodu in nato njihove vrednosti določali v krvi in mleku ovac v določenih časovnih presledkih po vnosu z visoko ločljivo plinsko kromatografijo. Sestava kongener PCB se na poti od vnosa do mleka obogati v vrsti od -54 -80, -155, do -169. Z mlekom se izločajo predvsem višje klorirane, planarne, metabolično stabilne in bolj toksične spojine.. Menimo, da so fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti kongener PCB pomemben dejavnik za prenos v mleko. Na njihov prehod v določeno tkivo/izloček pa dodatno vplivata še sestava tkiva ter specifična vezava kongener PCB s posameznirni tkivnimi sestavinami.
Descriptors     MILK