Author/Editor     Musek, J
Title     Struktura jaza in samopodobe
Translated title     The structure of the self concept
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 24, št. 3-4
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 59-79
Language     slo
Abstract     Many attempts were made in the history of modern psychology have been to reveal the components of the self including the contributions of prominent authors (James, Freud, Jung Mead, Sullivan, Rogers, Beme and others). As a consequence, a complex and unclear theoretical picture of the self emerged, containing a variety oJ different categories, structures, instances, archetypes, personifications, roles, states and so on. The conceptualization of the self or self-concept became rather chaotic or even chimeric. This odd situation could be surmounted by the integration of the theory of selfinto a theoretical framework of cognitive psychology. Different aspects and components of self-concept should be regarded as cognitive schemata organized within the complex and hierarhically strctured self schema. An exemplary individual structure of fhe self concept was analyzed by means of various multivariate melhods. A clear and distinct structure of dimensions of the self concept was found on the grounds of cluster and factor analyses. The main dimensions which constitute the psychological space of the self are: the positive versus negative self the masculine versus feminine self the mature versus inmature (ungrown) self the material versus spiritual self the real (close) versus remote self, the ngerous versus friendly self and the nonconforming versus confonning self.
Descriptors     EGO