Avtor/Urednik     Drobnič, Matej; Marš, Tomaž; Alibegović, Armin; Balažic, Jože; Grubič, Zoran; Bole, Velimir; Brecelj, Janez
Naslov     The influence of time and temperature on the post-mortem viability of human chondrocytes in an ex-vivo knee cartilage model
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zidar P, Zrimec A, editors. Life sciences 2004. Book of abstracts and programme of the 9th international conference on life sciences of Slovenia and 1st international congress on toxicology in Slovenia with workshops; 2004 Sep 18-22; Nova Gorica. Ljubljana: Slovenian society of toxicology,
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 172
Jezik     eng