Author/Editor     Stanisavljevič, Dragoje; Mekicar, Jernej; Sojar, Valentin
Title     Transplantacija jeter v Sloveniji
Translated title     Liver transplantation in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Repše S, Stanisavljevič D, editors. Zbornik simpozija Kirurgija jeter in vranice; 2004; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Kirurška šola, Klinični oddelek za obdominalno kirurgijo,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 137-44
Language     slo
Abstract     Liver transplantation is the most demanding of solid organ transplantations. It demands perfect organization of services and motivation of health care professionals, patients and their families. Slovenia is over Sloveniatransplant member of Euro transplant. Candidates are prepared in Klinični center Ljubljana under guidance of 4 hepatologists, 2 liver surgeons, 2 anesthesiologists, 1 intensivist and 2 nurse coordinators. From October 1998 until July 2004 60 liver transplantations in 56 patients were performed, in 4 patients retransplantation was necessary. One year survival of patients after liver transplantation is 80 % and three years survival 75 %. Number of liver transplantation in Slovenia is too low according to national pathology of liver diseases.