Avtor/Urednik     Čokl, Andrej; Prešern, Janez; Virant-Doberlet, Meta; Bagwell, Glen J; Millar, Jocelyn G
Naslov     Vibratory signals of the harlequin bug and their transmission through plants
Tip     članek
Vir     Physiol Entomol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 29
Leto izdaje     2004
Obseg     str. 372-80
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Males of the harlequin bug, Murgantia histrionica (Hahn), produce five different vibrational songs, whereas females produce one song. Songs differ from those of other stink bugs primarily in their species-specific temporal characteristics. The broad band male courtship songs of M. histrionica are achieved by a combination of different frequency modulated and/or narrow band subunits, with several higher harmonic frequencies. Males rather than females initiate substrateborne vibrational communication, and the longer-range calling songs found typically in other pentatomid species are lacking. Interindividual differences in song temporal and spectral characteristics are discussed. Transmission of vibrational songs through a cabbage head is more efficient along veins than along lamina. Attenuation of signals transmitted through veins is low and similar to that reported previously for plant stalks. On the leaf vein, distances between peak amplitude minima and maxima are different for the dominant and subdominant frequencies. At any distance from the vibration source, a different relationship between spectral peak amplitudes can be recorded. Resolution of these differences, together with velocity differences between signals recorded on the vein and lamina, may help small stink bugs to estimate distance and to locate each other on a plant.