Author/Editor     Dodič-Fikfak, Metoda
Title     Asbestos use and its consequences in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Eur J Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 25-31
Language     eng
Abstract     Aim. The aim of this study was to establish the quantity of asbestos used, the number of workers exposed to asbestos and the number of occupational diseases caused by the asbestos exposure in Slovenia in the 35 years leading up to the 1996 ban on asbestos use and trade. Materials and methods. The authors collected the data on asbestos consumption in Slovenia by the "snowball" method: the companies which were known to use asbestos were asked about their partners who also used asbestos. The authors of the study obtained data on the importation of asbestos at the Ministry of Health and at the Customs of Slovenia. The data on asbestos consumption, the quantity of asbestos products produced, the quantity of asbestos products exported and the domestic use of asbestos products were gathered by means of a questionnaire completed by all the identified users. The data on occupational diseases were obtained at the Institute of Occupational Medicine. Results. From 1964 to 1996 Slovenia imported a total of 67U,000 tons of asbestos, primarily chrysofile. Most of the asbestos was consumed by 14 companies, but it was used in about thirty companies in all. Slovenian factories manufactured a variety of asbestos products: corrugated sheets, sheets for gaskets, asbestos millboard, pipes, plasters, pastes, glues, etc. Asbestos was used as a construction and insulation material, asbestos textiles, engine gaskets, industrial gaskets, filters and insulation tapes; it was built into rail cars, boilers and brake linings, etc. From 1998 to the end uf 2002, occupational disease was diagnosed in 1331 patients: 363 patients suffered from asbestosis, 932 from pleural plaques,18 from lung cancer and 18 from mesothelioma. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Descriptors     ASBESTOS