Author/Editor     Ivančič, Olga; Grošelj, Ciril; Rep, Sebastjan; Tatalovič, Branka
Title     Dokazovanje hemangiomov jeter s scintigrafijo z označnimi eritrociti
Translated title     Diagnostics of liver haemangiomas with marked eritrocites scintigraphy
Type     članek
Source     In: Lipovec V, editor. Radiološka diagnostika in terapija bolezni prsnih organov. Zbornik predavanj in povzetkov posterjev strokovnega seminarja ob 50. obletnici Društva radioloških inženirjev Slovenije; 2004 okt 1-3; Rogla. Ljubljana: Društvo radioloških inženirjev Slovenije,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 48-54
Language     slo
Abstract     Haemangiomas of the liver are vascular deformities, usually found accidentally at the liver ultrasound examination. Because of the same appearance as metastases, such lesion needs to be diagnostically defined. SPECT scintigraphy is the method of choice. In our study we compared the number of lesions identified by ultrasound in particular patient to the number of them identified by SPECT. According to our research Ihe persistence of more lesions raised the probability for haemangiomas. SPECT is highly specific for lesions larger than 2 centimetres, moderate specific for lesions larger than 1 centimetre and non-diagnostic for smaller ones. The planar imaging is not recommended for this purpose.