Author/Editor     Bizjak, Nataša; Gačnik, Uroš
Title     Od vrtljivega stolčka do CT simulatorja, razvoj slikovnih metod v radioterapiji
Translated title     From rotating chair to CT simulator, the development imaging methods in radiotherapy
Type     članek
Source     In: Lipovec V, editor. Radiološka diagnostika in terapija bolezni prsnih organov. Zbornik predavanj in povzetkov posterjev strokovnega seminarja ob 50. obletnici Društva radioloških inženirjev Slovenije; 2004 okt 1-3; Rogla. Ljubljana: Društvo radioloških inženirjev Slovenije,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 55-7
Language     slo
Abstract     From the very beginning of the radiation treatment planning there was the need for 3 dimensional (3D) presentation of anatomy. Imaging methods being used until recently didn't enable the 3D display of anatomic structures. First possibility of displaying anatomic structures in the depth of the body was the introduction of tomography and finally the development of computer tomography which brought high quality 3D anatomy images.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS